• Unity Game Development

    particle effects, C# scripts, 3D models, GUI design

    Unity Game Development Slide 1
  • Unity Game Development

    Scene design, Gaia terrains, mecanim, light-mapping, shaders

    Unity Game Development Slide 2
  • Scientific Data Visualization

    2D and 3D data visualizations in Unity/C# and Java

    Scientific visualization Slide 3
  • Virtual Reality

    VR development in Unity

    Tornado Experience Slide 4

Unity and Java Developer

Jeff creates Unity games in C#, writes custom shaders, and is experienced in writing clean, object-oriented C# code. Well versed in ChromeOS, Android, iOS, Rift (VR) development, Unity UI development, tweaking 3D models, light-mapping, and scene design, he also creates image assets and performs sound and video editing. He is experienced with integrating big data into Unity applications.

On the Java front, he writes professional code with Java 17, Spring boot and Spring data, streams and lambda expressions, micro-services, Docker and VMs, has published articles, written and taught course material, and has many years of experience in both backend (web services, databases) development and front end development.

He is also an experienced in React web development with Hooks, both class based and functional components, and form development with Formik.



Jeff has developed games and scientific visualization software in Unity since 2011. As co-developer of Science On A Sphere Explorer (TerraViz), he was a runner-up for a Unity award (Best VizSim Project) at Unite 2013 in Vancouver and runner-up for the Colorado 2017 Governor's Award for High-Impact Research. TerraViz runs on multiple displays and also on the Rift. Most recently Jeff co-developed Cloud Defense, a cyber security game (a bit like Tower Defense) in which the player creates cyber security defenses to thwart hackers, winner of the 2017 Serious Games Awards announced at the ITSEC conference in Orlando. Written in Unity/C# with backend web services in Java and MySQL.

He has taught classes in object-oriented design in Java for various organizations, given talks at numerous conferences, and created an introductory guide to Unity. He is also fluent in web frontends, mobile, and (Java) web services development.


  • Published software titles: WinFTP, Fractal Paint Plus, Billiards, Stereograms, Fitness Trainer, StarScopes, Tennis Companion
  • 3D Data Visualization Using The Unity Game Engine” in volume 38 of CIRA Magazine, Spring 2013.
  • Moving Weather Model Ensembles to a PostGIS Database” in volume 38 of CIRA Magazine, Spring 2013.
  • Authored AMS 2012 presentation entitled “NNEW Testing Portal”
  • Co-authored GIMTool article (as a pdf) that appeared in volume 33 of CIRA magazine, Spring 2010
  • Co-authored 'NOAA Modeling Portal' paper, presented at ECMWF's 13th Workshop in High Performance Computing in Meteorology, Reading UK, Nov 6, 2008
  • Co-authored AMS 2007 presentation, WRF Portal and WRF Domain Wizard
  • Co-authored AMS 2007 poster, Use of WRF Portal to Support The Developmental Testbed Center
  • WRF Portal, CIRA magazine, Volume 25, Spring 2006
  • Co-authored poster and paper about WRF Portal at AMS conference in Atlanta in January 2006
  • Co-authored and presented poster about WRF Portal at WRF and MM5 workshop in Boulder, June 2005
  • Effective Web Architectures Using Java/Oracle, paper presented at RMOUG Oracle Conference, February 2004
  • Fast Math with JNI, Java World Magazine, August 15, 2003 issue
  • SQLExecutor: A Simple JDBC Framework (original article in Developer.com, April 2003 Issue)
  • Genetic Algorithms: Evolving a Better Solution, Developers Network Journal, March 2002 Issue
  • Genetic Algorithms: Simulating Evolution on the Computer, Part 1, Developer.com, February 2002 Issue
  • Genetic Algorithms: Simulating Evolution on the Computer, Part 2, Developer.com, February 2002 issue

Contact Jeff


Jeff Smith

Westminster, Colorado

jeffrey (at) SoftTechDesign.com